Monday, May 4, 2015

The best thing about being single

Last week I asked my friend Tori to join me in writing two entries a week for 52-weeks. As overwhelming as it may have been, I created a list of 104 prompts to choose from, and sent them to her to look over. While Tori chose a slightly different prompt to start with, I have chosen to write about: "What is the best thing about being either single or partner (which ever you are right now)?"

If I had to choose one thing in particular I love about being single, it would definitely be allowing myself to figure out exactly what I want and who I need in my life. 
Yes, not having to impress anyone's friends or family members is a plus. And who would deny that eating pizza and watching Stuck in Love for the thirty fifth time in my PJ's isn't a dream...

However, the longer I stay single, the more I realized I shouldn't have to give up those personal comforts about myself. I should still be allowed to nerd out over a new book I've bought, or go a few days without shaving because it's just so tedious (really! It is!). 

I realized that I don't have an attraction  to seriously sporty guys (sorry, not sorry), but rather the complete opposite. I tend to be more comfortable with stereotypical band/science nerds with fascinations in astronomy, physics, hell... Even biochemical waste conservation... If that's a thing.

Ultimately, I realized I want to learn from my significant other. I want to constantly be amazed by their passions and intelligence. I should be allowed to grow with them and teach them my passions as they teach me theirs.

The best thing about being single? I learn who I am and what I deserve. 

Love Always, 
Marissa Lynn 

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